Ashana Works

UX Research & UX Design

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Problem Statement

Ashana works provide tarot card readings on social media such as Facebook; however, despite growth with uncertainty with social media platform policies, the client needs an independent platform to ensure longevity. Thus, a new way of delivering digital readings is long overdue, and I set out to redesign Ashana's services to maintain growth and stability years to come.


The project is currently ongoing.  Using design thinking methodology, empathize, define, ideate, and prototype & test. Our Solution offers a streamlined online process to perform and monetize from readings, sell products and hide personal information.

Contextual Inquiry

Contextual Inquiry

Observed a live session on Facebook to see how, her live services worked and how she interacted with the people.


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First, I had the client share the survey on facebook & discord however no luck.


First, I had the client share the survey on facebook & discord however no luck.


First, I had the client share the survey on facebook & discord however no luck.


Ashana Works have over 1,100 members on Facebook throughout the world. Ashana works provide tarot card readings, and reiki sessions online. Ashana works wants to better understand it's members' increase customer satisfaction and improve service workflow.

Interview with Stake Holder

I Interviewed the owner of Ashana works for 45 minutes to understand her business and understand her goals and painpoints


  • Learning Curve - Learning different platforms is a major challenge.
  • Concerned about perception of beauty.
  • Concerned about private information
  • Monetization - How can she make make a living doing her readings.

The Process

I did a stakeholder interview with my client to get insights about the business through the business owner. That helped me get an initial understanding of the business, the pain points of the business owner, and an idea of what methods to apply where.
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Empathy Map

To help me understand the client's needs and develop a deep understanding of the client.

The Process

An empathy map is a great way to understand your users' needs; however, I also like to create an Empathy map of the business owner. It helps me get a deeper understanding of the client and their situation. Knowing that will give me a clue on how to approach the problem and meet the clients' needs.
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Upon interviewing the stakeholder I was able to discover what we need to focus on to help her business grow.

reference: proposal

Objectives & Questions

  • Understand member satisfaction levels with readings.
  • Identify what motivates or demotivates members from booking readings
  • Identify Opportunities for improving member experiences with Ashana Works.

The Process

After creating the proposal, I sent it to the stakeholder to confirm, this was inline with her vision also to make sure if there were any opportunities of improvement.

There were 2 new additions after showing my client the proposal. My client wanted to know if customers were interested in a subscription model and wanted to know if customers were interested in buying any products that could help them with their readings such as crystals, candles and etc.
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It was time to find out what the users thought about Ashana's spiritual works!

reference: Survey

The Process

Bacon ipsum dolor amet tenderloin chicken chuck kevin sirloin shank shankle shoulder corned beef. Bacon burgdoggen pork ham hock boudin pork belly. Turkey pork chop chuck ground round, doner sausage brisket ham hock tail drumstick pork belly pastrami prosciutto meatloaf bacon.
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Contextual Inquiry

Observed a live session on Facebook to see how, her live services worked and how she interacted with the people

reference: Survey

The Process

Bacon ipsum dolor amet tenderloin chicken chuck kevin sirloin shank shankle shoulder corned beef. Bacon burgdoggen pork ham hock boudin pork belly. Turkey pork chop chuck ground round, doner sausage brisket ham hock tail drumstick pork belly pastrami prosciutto meatloaf bacon.
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