Case Study: Enhancing the San Diego Experience Design (SDXD) Networking Event
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Project Background

San Diego Experience Design (SDXD) is a community of over 2,800 UX professionals in San Diego that hosts monthly events to inspire, connect, and educate its members. However, the community faced challenges in understanding the satisfaction levels and experiences of its members during these events.

There was a need to identify what motivates or demotivates members from regular attendance and to uncover opportunities for improving members’ experiences with SDXD.

Problem Statement

The San Diego Experience Design (SDXD) community, a group of over 2,800 UX professionals, hosts monthly events to inspire, connect, and educate its members. However, the community faced challenges in understanding the satisfaction levels and experiences of its members during these events. There was a need to identify what motivates or demotivates members from regular attendance and to uncover opportunities for improving members’ experiences with SDXD.

The problem was compounded by the fact that the participation rate in the research survey was low, with only 47 out of over 2,500 members participating. Additionally, further investigation was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The goal was to conduct UX research to gain insights into these areas and use the findings to enhance the quality of future events and better serve the community.


The key goal of this project was to conduct UX research to better understand the satisfaction levels and experiences of SDXD's 2,700 members during monthly events. The aim was to identify opportunities to improve future events and better serve the community. The research was designed to provide insights into members' satisfaction levels and experiences to enhance the quality of future events and better serve the community. The ultimate goal was to use these insights to make data-driven decisions and implement changes that would positively impact the SDXD community.


As a UX Researcher for the San Diego Experience Design (SDXD) community, my role was to conduct research to better understand the satisfaction levels and experiences of SDXD's 2,700 members during monthly events. The goal was to identify opportunities to improve future events and better serve the community.

My responsibilities included:

Survey Design and Implementation: I designed and implemented a survey using Google Forms to gather data on member satisfaction levels, motivations for event attendance, and opportunities for improving member experiences.

Recruitment and Screening: I targeted all SDXD members from for participation in the survey. An email was sent to members via inviting them to participate in the survey.

Data Analysis: I analyzed the data collected from the survey, focusing on member demographics, event attendance, event satisfaction, and preferences for event topics and locations.

Research Recommendations: Based on the findings, I made recommendations for improving event experiences and broadening touchpoints for communication with members.

Next Steps Planning: I planned the next steps for the research, which included interviewing senior members and surveying local startups and other businesses to explore interest in a mentorship program.
Through these responsibilities, I contributed to the understanding of the SDXD community's needs and preferences, informing strategies for improving event experiences and better serving the community.


Project Definition and Planning: The key goal of the project was identified - to conduct UX research to better understand the satisfaction levels and experiences of SDXD's 2,700 members during monthly events to identify opportunities to improve future events and better serve the community. The project timeline was set for 2 months.

Tool Selection: Google Forms was chosen as the primary tool for conducting surveys.

Methodologies and Key Questions: The research approach involved conducting a survey to understand member satisfaction levels with events, identify what motivates or demotivates members from regular attendance, and identify opportunities for improving members’ experiences with SDXD.

Recruitment and Screening: All SDXD members from were targeted. An email was sent to members via to ask them to participate in a survey.

Data Collection: A total of 47 participants responded to the survey. The majority of participants were UX Designers & UX Researchers with 3+ years of UX Experience.

Data Analysis and Findings: The data collected from the survey was analyzed. Key findings were identified, including insights about member demographics, event attendance, event satisfaction, and preferences for event topics and locations.

Recommendations and Future Steps: Based on the findings, recommendations were made for improving event experiences, such as recording video of speakers, broadening touchpoints for sending event reminders, and exploring interest for senior members to mentor. The next steps include interviewing senior members and surveying local startups and/or other businesses to see if there is interest for a mentorship program


This UX research project on the San Diego Experience Design (SDXD) community yielded several significant findings and recommendations that could shape the future of SDXD's monthly events:

Member Engagement and Satisfaction: The study found that the majority of participants were engaged members of SDXD, with most having attended 1-3 events in the past year. However, there were opportunities for increasing participation, such as broadening touchpoints for sending event reminders and providing more information about upcoming events.

Event Topics and Formats: Participants expressed interest in a variety of event topics, including UX research methods, UX management, UX in development, and leadership in UX. They also suggested recording video of speakers and hosting it on the SDXD website for members to watch at any time.

Event Locations and Accessibility:
The study found that the most preferred event locations were La Jolla, Downtown, and Mira Mesa. About half of the participants expressed interest in live streaming of events, indicating a demand for more accessible event formats.

Role of Senior Members in the Community:
The study raised the possibility of senior members mentoring new UX professionals. This could be an area for further exploration in the SDXD community. These outcomes provide valuable insights into the experiences and preferences of SDXD members. The next steps include interviewing senior members about their interest in mentoring, surveying local startups and businesses about a potential mentorship program, and discussing steps to implement email collections.

Let’s Collaborate

I hope you found this project insightful. I'm always looking for new opportunities to apply my UX research and design skills. If you're interested in collaborating or would like to discuss how I could contribute to your team or project, please don't hesitate to get in touch.